don't let your inner flame go out

don't let your inner flame go out
This week I kept thinking of something written by Howard Thurman, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

I share this quote that kept echoing for me because this week was energetically flat and challenging. When life as we know it comes to a screeching halt and we have to stay indoors, go out for only essentials, be able to communicate with those you love via phone or computer, adapt to a healthy version of a germaphobe, adapt to new work patterns, if you are lucky.. the question of coming alive really sparks me.

What makes you feel most alive? The truth for me is that in times of comfort personal growth and evolution progress like an inchworm. With a dedication to inner growth a few years ago, I deliberately shrunk my material world by 80% and listened to where the spiritual wind would send me. Mindful Necessities was my base, wherever it took me or where I could feed it from. A nomadic life is a big teacher. A nomadic life when the borders around the world have closed requires a deeper breath and an even bigger practice. 

On the whole, there will not be a more fertile time than this to do our good work, do the bigger inquiry of what’s working sustainably in our lives and what isn’t, physically, mentally, emotionally, economically and ecologically.

It seems like so much of the current newness and restrictions, especially where fear is invoked, is like trying to swim with a straight jacket on. Everyone I know is coping well and displaying tremendous grace but I can feel their struggle, even if it’s partially a reflection of my own. Maybe this is not the big inconvenience in our lives but a perfect platform to rewrite our personal narrative. What will it take to ignite that burning flame in us that makes us feel alive?

I really believe that our inner light is what is capable of guiding us to support these changes. Our inner light is a projection from our heart. No one can illuminate a bright energy without being connected to love. You can be sure that if you ever melted into someone who had a glowing light about them, they were well connected to their heart. 

Gandhi said “be the change you want to see in the world.” I say “be the light you want to feel in the world.” What will it take to ignite that inner flame that can keep you warm and illuminate your path? How can we feel vibrant in our hearts? How can we support one another along the path? How can we make it stick? 

We are 35 days and counting of India’s lockdown. This week, I gotta say we went a bit stir crazy. Starved for the life that happens in interactions with others and simply being in the world, probably like you. The beauty of impermanence is that ‘this too shall pass.’

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. May they both be small.

In meditation with every breath, my inner channel of light grows brighter and expands. Then it finds its way to the spirit of the trees, dancing in the wind. To the spirit of the mountain at my back, powerfully solid. To the spirit of the fertile soil that supports us. To the spirit of the Ganges whose fluidity can take away the world’s pain. To the spirit of the birds whose melodic call can make one smile. To all the four legged creatures for the teachings of being present. Life is rich.

Let the light in. Let your light out.

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