Meditation Rings - How do they work?

Meditation Rings - How do they work?

So, how do they work?

This is by far the number one question that we receive when we're at shows. Have you wondered?

First of all, it's purpose is not to be a "fidget ring" as many people initially ask. The intention with our meditation rings is to bring you an inner sense of calm, connection to your breath, and to act as a reminder of your chosen mantra.

Mindful Necessities' Meditation Rings are inspired by the Tibetan Prayer Wheel, which would have a mantra and sacred symbols carved into the wheel typically made of wood, stone, leather, metal, or coarse cotton. Spinning the mantra is associated with wisdom, good karma, purification, and even enlightenment.

Using a meditation ring also has surprising health benefits. Similar to knitting, when you keep your hands moving in a rhythmic motion it tends to slow your breath allowing a calm to wash over you. Psychology Today magazine describes how, "Rhythmic repetitive movements seem to put us in the present moment, distracting us from mulling over the past or fear of the future. The relaxation response is known to bring down blood pressure, heart rate and help to prevent stress related illnesses. Research by Dr. Barry Jacobs of Princeton University has found that repetitive movements in animals enhance the release of serotonin, associated with calm good spirits."

And there you have it. Beauty with a purpose. And 20% off only through Sunday!


With love and gratitude, Always...


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