no mud, no lotus

no mud, no lotus
As you may have figured out by now, finding and sharing inspiration is something I take very seriously in this walk in life. We are all here together and what I do for the greater good, benefits me as well and what I practice for my own light and life support, will benefit others.


Then there are those days and weeks when the mud is so thick and swampy that it's easy to lose sight and sense that there are magnificent lotuses growing right there with us. We just can't see them yet. This is also part of a pandemic existence where we are isolated from loved ones and witness only glimpses of each other's eyes through hats and masks. It's challenging and my heart aches for those that are trying to find balance on a razor's edge. I have never felt so much desire to be a bear that can hibernate and wake up in the Spring.


If this is a familiar scenario for you also, there have been exercises that I've been doing that have helped tremendously and leave me lighter and grateful. One was a visualization that steered me through super murky waters this week, quite quickly.


I allowed myself to go into the darkest area of my mind. In that discomfort, I focused on simply breathing and leaning into it, not pulling away. Just taking space and time. Reminding myself that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do. Once I stopped resisting my discomfort and was able to listen, I'd come to see that even the dark areas of our life can be a friend coming with a message. Or a darkness that also just needs to be embraced. With my attention on breathing and letting go of judgment and fear, I could shift my focus to all the people of the world with this particular affliction, many worse than mine. This would make my heart expand until I'd feel like a fierce mama lion protecting her cubs. Through this practice, the cloud would lose its density and stickiness.


It was another solid affirmation in the power of Gandhi's quote "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself the service of others." Again, we are so not in this alone. Just keeping a loving kindness practice close to our hearts and lips, projecting freedom from suffering to as many as we can, can heal us quicker than any "what about me" focus. My darkness had no hold on me after that practice. Not that it won't come back, but hopefully the lioness will also.


These strange and peculiar times of restrictions are also opening doors for much more..


I may not know yet what will be unveiled, but I'm sure there is always an invitation for a personal inquiry. Trust and surrender into letting go of what we imagine as normal to create a new and better story for ourselves, each other, and the planet.


One day this week a friend sent me a video that made me smile and I hope to pass the smile along. This video came to me without a source. I wish I knew who to credit for the beauty of life it captured. If you happen to know who made it please share with us!


The Love of Animals
As we head into February tomorrow, Gala and I decided to spread as much love as possible to shake off the winter pandemic blues. To help, we've launched a 20% off sale on our Share a Heart Collection.


Stay tuned, stay safe and stay resilient,


with love, a bow and a smile to you along the path,





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